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Creating Homogeneous Sections

Analyzing data to establish homogenous sections for analysis purposes.

Paper on how the appropriate sampling interval for FWD measurements was established
Paper on Austria's Pavement Management Systems and the availability of pavement condition data.

2004 - Sweden - Generating Homogeneous Sections
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VTI Report 360A. A paper presented at the 2004 PMS conference in Berlin by Fridtjof Thomas. Excellent paper presenting three methods for sectioning.

2004 - Sweden - Generating Homogeneous Sections
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Paper on how to generate homogeneous sections from road data
Paper by Fridtjof Thomas. An algorithm is suggested that combines a recently developed Bayesian identification of transitions between two homogeneous road sections with a heuristic approach that uses this technique iteratively to find multiple homogeneous sections in arbitrary long measurement series. The approach is demonstrated with narrowly spaced measurement series of the international roughness index as well as rutting. The algorithm executes sufficiently fast to make the partition of an entire road network feasible.
Issues and techniques for creating homogeneous sections

2003 - Cumulative Deviation Sectioning - Software
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Software which uses the principles of cumulative deviations (CUSUM) for creating homogeneous sections for analysis with programs such as HDM or any other PMS. Manual can be downloaded elsewhere.

2002 - NZ - Sectioning Improvement
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Report on how to section road data for the purposes of pavement management.
Report describing the application of cumulative deviation principles to create homogeneous sections. Shows how critical it is to create analysis sections using a sensible and robust method.
This report focuses on the FWDCHECK program. The report is provided in three separate volumes: Technical Documentation, User’s Guide, and Program Listing. The technical documentation gives a detailed description of the program including the analyses and algorithms used. A detailed description of the program usage is provided in the User’s Guide. Finally, a complete printout of the computer source code is included in the third volume, Program Listing.