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Location Referencing

The linear and spatial reference of data.

2005 - Australia - Review of Location Referencing System
 455.23 KB

Summary of different techniques for location referencing

2004 - NZ - State Highway Referencing Manual: Part 3
 3.5 MB

Excellent discussion on location referencing of highways. Broken into three parts to simplify downloading.

2004 - NZ - State Highway Referencing Manual: Part 2
 4.12 MB

Excellent discussion on location referencing of highways. Broken into three parts to simplify downloading.

2004 - NZ - State Highway Referencing Manual: Part 1
 4.18 MB

Excellent discussion on location referencing of highways. Broken into three parts to simplify downloading.
Executive summary describing MWH Cambodia LRCS survey.

2002 - Samoa - Location Referencing Manual
 472.47 KB

How a location referencing system was established for the Samoa road network
Guide to location referencing for local roads

2001 - Spatial Referencing of State Highway Data
 901.96 KB

Issues and strategy for using spatial measurements on NZ State Highways

2001 - Principles of Location Referencing
 2.51 MB

Techniques for referencing road data
How the State Highway Network would be referenced spatially
Analysis of Transit's business processes and the role of location referencing

2001 - New Zealand - Principles of Location Referencing
 2.52 MB

Report describing different techniques used around the world for location referencing
The requirements of Transit New Zealand for location referencing

2001 - New Zealand - Implementation Strategy for LRMS
 1.49 MB

The strategy for implementing Transit's new Location Referencing Management System

2001 - New Zealand - exor Gap Analysis
 1.44 MB

An analysis of the ability of exor Highways to meet Transit New Zealand's location referencing needs

2001 - New Zealand - Business Process Changes
 4.19 MB

Changes required to Transit's business processes for new Location Referencing Management System

2000 - Australia - Network Referencing Catalog
 1.25 MB

The West Australian location referencing system

2000 - Australia - Features Definition Catalog
 436.31 KB

The West Australian location referencing system

2000 - Australia - Data Definitions Catalog
 359.61 KB

The West Australian location referencing system