As in many other parts of the economy, China’s transport infrastructure has been undergoing rapid development in recent years. All sectors of transport—roads, urban, railways, air, inland waterways, ports and logistics—have seen major investments to meet the growing demands for transport services. This has resulted in a transformation of China towards world class transport infrastructure in all sectors.
This report presents a summary of the current state of transport in the seven sectors above, together with an outline of some of the energy and climate change issues across the transport sector as a whole. It catalogs many of China’s achievements, while also identifying issues that need to be addressed for China to ensure that transport infrastructure does not act as a bottleneck on development.
This report does not give a full treatment of the sector issues but a summary of the key statistics and challenges with the aim of providing a brief overview. It is hoped that this will be part of a wider platform for policy dialog between the Bank and the Government of China so that the World Bank can continue to assist China meet its development goals.