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Traffic and Weigh-in-Motion

Traffic counting, analysis and forecasting, and weigh in motion.

Effective maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction (MR&R) of road pavements is crucial for ensuring a safe and efficient transportation network. Existing research has proposed various models to aid decision-making in MR&R planning. However, these models often overlook the impact of traffic dynamics, such as shockwaves and queue spillovers caused by reduced capacity during maintenance activities. To bridge this gap, we present a novel methodology that incorporates traffic dynamics into the selection and sequencing of MR&R activities over a planning horizon. Our approach combines numerical evaluation of traffic flow theory using the link transmission model (LTM) with a deterioration model, considering travel time cost, fuel cost, and agency cost, to assess the optimal sequence of MR&R activities. To solve this multi-objective problem, we employ a genetic algorithm (GA) to minimize the objective function. Through a numerical example, we demonstrate the methodology’s effectiveness and sensitivity to pavement deterioration. The results clearly indicate the effectiveness of using the proposed methodology over the widely used Bureau of Public Roads (BPR)-function-based methods for pavement maintenance sche duling problems.

2021 - Spain - Estimating AADT Using Cluster Analysis
 4.79 MB

A very interesting paper from Spain on how to use cluster analysis and GIS to improve estimating AADT.

2006 - WB - Travel Forecasting Tutorial
 1.24 MB

S. Zimmerman presentation on process by which relationships among casual factors and travel decisions are analyzed and mathematically modelled.
NHCRP Report 538 describing survey procedures and analysis
The focus of this research project is to develop software to automate the processing of raw GPS data and to generate outputs of activity travel patterns in the conventional travel-diary format.
This guidebook discusses the recommended procedures for planning, collecting, processing, and quality control procedures for short duration classification counts.
This Guidebook provides best practices for both transit managers and technical staff with respect to planning, implementing and using geographic data in transit. The Guidebook discusses issues and best practices for defining and using geographic locations of bus stops, routes and other map data that are needed for successfully implementing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as for obtaining operational efficiencies.
Report on study that was conducted to evaluate automated vehicle mounted equipment to collect data on the needs of Oregon’s highway inventory.

2005 - Review of Travel Time Measurements
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Paper describing different ways of measuring travel time and implications of each
This report identifies the key issues that must be considered by state and other highway operating agencies in selecting traffic equipment for collecting the truck volumes and load spectra needed for analysis and design of pavement structures. The report also identifies steps that must be taken to ensure that the equipment performs appropriately and that, as a consequence, the data collected accurately describe the vehicles being monitored. The report is a useful resource for state personnel and others involved in the planning and design of highway pavements and structures.

2004 - TRL - Guide to Axle Load Surveys and Traffic Counts
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TRL Overseas Road Note 40

2004 - New Zealand - Traffic Monitoring for State Highways
 2.27 MB

Comprehensive guide to monitoring and analyzing traffic data.
The objective of this study is to define capacity in a quantitative form and to express capacity as a certain percentage found on a distribution of observed flow rate. Then, it can resolve the two problems of the subjectivity of capacity definition and underestimation or overestimation of capacity that has been calculated by using adjustment factors, the previous method of capacity adjustment under non-ideal conditions.

2003 - USA - Selecting Travel Reliability Measures
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This report discusses the background for developing reliability measures as a component of mobility performance metrics, the factors to consider before selecting a measure and defines the calculation procedures for typical reliability analyses.
Data based on 2000-2002 Automotive Traffic Recorder Data by Ohio Dept of Transportation
This document provides examples of the capabilities of automated methods available for collecting and compiling data for the NTD. However, automated methods included in this document have capabilities beyond collecting the data necessary for the NTD, which in fact may be the primary reason for agencies to acquire these tools in the first place.

2003 - USA - Detector Technology Evaluation
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This report provides comparison matrixes based on detector technology and specific devices in this field of technology. The technology matrixes offer general information about each detector technology. The device matrixes give specific information regarding each particular detector device.

2003 - USA - Axle Correction Factors
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Data and calculations from Ohio Dept of Transportation
Factors for converting ADT to AADT

2002 - USA - Hourly Percent by Vehicle Type
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Example of Hourly Vehicle Calibration Factors
The goal of this report is to document the process and procedures used by LTPP to collect and store the traffic data used to estimate pavement loadings.
The results of data collection on traffic flows in Samoa.
The primary purpose of this study was to identify an effective methodology for measuring the travel time through a particular urban corridor. Understanding the movement of traffic by measuring its time elements can facilitate traffic management and the prioritization.
This study establishes a foundation for the evolution of a regional, integrated Advanced Traffic Management System.
This summary document was developed to assist in the selection of vehicle detection and surveillance technologies that support traffic management and traveler information services. The information will also be useful to personnel involved in traffic data collection for planning, policy, and research purposes.
Traffic volume monitoring and forecasting.

1998 - USA - Travel Time Handbook
 3.08 MB

Comprehensive handbook covering all aspects of measuring speeds and travel time
Presentation by Mark Flinner - Minnesota DOT. Purpose of TDQ is to collaborate to improve understanding and to develop software tools.
This document describes the procedures that the Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program recommends for ensuring that traffic data collection equipment used for LTPP traffic monitoring efforts operates correctly and collects valid data.
Report on a project to create methods, questionnaires and instructions to investigate the satisfaction of customers on Finland's traffic information services.
This report summarizes results of a two year empirical research effort, which was sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, (i) to study and characterize the variability in the traffic data (volume, classification, and weight) from the continuously monitored road segments, and (ii) to study the extent to which this variability is transferred to, and affects the precision of the data produced from the road segments which are monitored only one or two days each year.
Final Report describes the development and field test of an automated data collection device that includes Global Positioning System (GPS) technology for the collection of personal travel data.

1996 - USA - Travel Survey Manual, Appendicies
 14.32 MB

Appendicies A-K of Travel Survey Manual

1996 - USA - Travel Survey Manual
 29.77 MB

This survey manual provides transportation planners with guidance for developing and implementing the most common types of travel surveys. This manual was prepared by Cambridge Systematic, Inc. and Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. under contract to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as part of the Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP).

1996 - USA - Little Book of Road Profiling
 1.59 MB

Excellent discussion on measuring roughness profiles
Paper by Douglas Laird on use of GPS for travel time survelys.

1995 - USA - FHWA Traffic Monitoring Guide
 1.19 MB

Covers all aspects of traffic counting and weighing

1993 - TRL - Urban Traffic Surveys
 13.21 MB

TRL Overseas Road Note 11 on conducting urban traffic surveys

1986 - NZ - Representation of Traffic Data
 6.74 MB

Conference paper showing how traffic flow data over a year has a bi-modal distribution and how this can be modelled. Provided key foundational work applied later in HDM-4.

1985 - NZ - TRARR Input Data
 11.46 MB

The computer model TRARR was developed for predicting traffic flows on two lane highways. This paper presents the calibrated input data based on local surveys.

1985 - NZ - TRARR HCV Parameters
 2.44 MB

The computer model TRARR was developed for predicting traffic flows on two lane highways. This paper presents the results of calibration surveys for the HCV parameters.

1985 - NZ - TRARR Calibration Surveys
 6.48 MB

The computer model TRARR was developed for predicting traffic flows on two lane highways. This paper presents the results of calibration surveys for the model at three sites around New Zealand.

1985 - NZ - HCV Characteristics for Economic Analysis
 20.75 MB

Paper analyzing the characteristics of heavy commercial vehicles (HCVs) to characterize them for economic analyses.

1985 - NZ - Framework for Vehicle Classifications
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Proposed vehicle classification system.

1983 - South Africa - Analysis of Annual Traffic Flow
 32.34 MB

CSIR Report RT/7/83 by Sweet and Lockwood. Presents an excellent approach for forecasting annual traffic flows from short term samples.

1982 - USA - Collection and Use of Survey Data
 2.85 MB

Report on the collection of travel data for traffic forecasting.