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2022 - NZ - Speed Management Guide


2022 - NZ - Speed Management Guide

The Speed management guide: Road to Zero edition supports regional transport committees (RTCs), regional councils and road controlling authorities
(RCAs) to develop high-quality speed management plans that will deliver safe and appropriate speed limits in line with Te Ara ki te Ora – Road to Zero (New Zealand’s road safety strategy to 2030) and the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022 (the Rule).

This guide sets out an approach to speed management planning for Aotearoa New Zealand that draws together the Rule and the main elements of Road to Zero with Toitū te Taiao (the Waka Kotahi sustainability action plan) and the One Network
Framework (the national classification system for streets and roads). The result is a principles-based approach to setting speed limits and managing speeds.

File Name: 2022_nz_speed-management-guide-road-to-zero-edition.pdf
File Size: 2.75 MB
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Created Date: 26-09-2022
Last Updated Date: 27-07-2024