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2007 - Environmental Management Plan Training Manual


2007 - Environmental Management Plan Training Manual

All construction activities interact with the environment and generate potential environmental impacts if unmitigated. Thus, it is necessary to proper manage these construction activities as to minimize the potential environmental impacts. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared specifically to the Project. It is a site specific plan that outlines all the envivonmental requirements for the Project, with focus on the construction phase.

To ensure the EMP is a robust one, it is necessary that all parties, including the contractors, supervision staff and implementation agencies, are fully trained such that the EMP is properly implemented. This report, prepared for the World Bank, provides a general outline of the EMP training.

The source file which can be edited can be downloaded here.

File Name: 2007_generic_emp_training_manual.pdf
File Size: 1.98 MB
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Hits: 1271 Hits
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Created Date: 25-06-2019
Last Updated Date: 21-03-2018