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2015 - Australia - Road Wear Pricing


2015 - Australia - Road Wear Pricing

This report is the final technical document for the Deploy and refine the road wear modelling method (AT1734) project to provide an overview of the process of calculating the marginal cost of road pavement wear and the Freight Axle Mass Limits Investigation Tool (FAMLIT) software. It details the final steps in the completion of the project, current status of the software, its capabilities and outlines some of the difficulties undergone through the development of FAMLIT.

File Name: AP-R501-15_Deploy_and_Refine_the_Road_Wear_Modelling_Methodologies_FAMLIT.pdf
File Size: 2.08 MB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 1935 Hits
Download: 916 times
Created Date: 25-06-2019
Last Updated Date: 26-03-2018